Publications by members of RiNS
Journal articles
Alteren J, Bjork IT. Studentenes laering av praktiske ferdigheter i modellavdelingen og klinikken: en utforskende studie. [Students' learning of practical skills in the skills centre and clinical setting: an exploratory study.]. Vaard i Norden 2006, 26(4), 25-30.
Berntsen K, Bjørk IT. Student nurses' perception of the clinical learning environment in nursing homes. Journal of Nursing Education 2010, 49: 17-22.
Bjork IT. Neglected conflicts in the discipline of nursing: perceptions of the importance and value of practical skill. Journal of Advanced Nursing 1995, 22, 6-12.
Berntsen, K., Bjørk. I.T. & Brynildsen, G. (2017) Nursing students’ environment in Norwegian nursing homes: Lack of innovative teaching and learning strategies. Open Journal of Nursing, 7 (8), 949-961, DOI: 10.4236/ojn.2017.78070
Bjork IT. Changing conceptions of practical skill and skill acquisition in nursing education. Nursing Inquiry 1997, 4, 184-195.
Bjork IT. What constitutes a nursing practical skill? Western Journal of Nursing Research 1999, 21(1), 51-70.
Bjork IT. Practical skill development in new nurses. Nursing Inquiry 1999, 6, 34-47.
Bjork IT. Nyutdannede sykepleieres manglende praktiske sykepleieferdigheter.[New nurses' lack practical skill in nursing.]. Klinisk Sygepleje 2006, 20(4), 23-30.
Bjork IT, Kirkevold M. Issues in nurses' practical skill development in the clinical setting. Journal of Nursing Care Quality 1999, 14(1), 72-84.
Bjork IT, Kirkevold M. From simplicity to complexity: developing a model of practical skill performance. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2000, 9, 620-631.
Bjork IT, Lomborg K, Nielsen C, Brynildsen G, Skovsgaard Frederiksen AM, Larsen K, Reierson IA, Sommer I, Stenholt B. From theoretical model to practical use: an example of knowledge translation. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2013, 69, 2336-2347.
Bjørk IT, Christiansen B, Havnes A, Hessevaagbakke E. Exploring the black box of practical skill learning. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 2015, 5, no. 11. Open access
Bjørk IT, Havnes A, Christiansen B, Reierson IÅ, Hvidsten A, Wighus M, Brungor SK. Exploring the "Black box" of practical skill learning in the skills centre. Abstract, Oral. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 2004; Volum 13 489-489
Bjørk IT, Berntsen K, Brynildsen G, Hestetun M. Nursing students' perceptions of their clinical learning environment in placements outside traditional hospital settings. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2014, doi: 10.1111/jocn.12532.
Brynildsen G, Bjørk IT, Berntsen K, Hestetun M. Improving the quality of nursing students’ clinical placements in nursing homes: an evaluation study. Nurse Education in Practice, 2014, 14: 722-728.
Bölenius K & Nilsson K. Variations in the system influencing venous blood specimen collection practices. Sources of pre-analytical errors. Journal of laboratory and Precision Medicine 2018, 3:39.
Bölenius K. Improving venous blood specimen collection practices. Method development and evaluation of an educational intervention program. Dissertation (Ph.D). Department of Nursing, Department of Medical Biosciences, Clinical Chemistry, Umeå University, Sweden, 2014.
Bölenius K, Brulin C, Graneheim U. Personnel´s Experiences of Phlebotomy Practices after Participating in an Educational Intervention Programme. Nursing Research and Practice 2014, 14.
Bölenius K, Söderberg J, Hultdin J, Lindkvist M, Brulin C & Grankvist K. Minor improvement of venous blood specimen collection practices in primary health care after a large-scale educational intervention. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 2013, 51, 303-10.
Bölenius K, Lindkvist M, Brulin C, Grankvist K, Nilsson K & Söderberg J. Impact of a large-scale educational intervention program on venous blood specimen collection practices. BMC Health Services Research 2013, 13:463.
Bölenius K, Brulin C, Grankvist K, Lindkvist M & Söderberg J. A content validated questionnaire for self-reported venous blood sampling practices. BMC Research Notes 2012, 5(1):39.
Ewertsson M, Allvin R, Holmström I, Blomberg K. Walking the bridge: Nursing students’ learning in clinical skill laboratories. Nurse Education in Practice. Online publication. doi:10.1016/j.nepr.2015.03.006
Ewertsson M, Gustafsson M, Blomberg K, Holmström I, Allvin R. (2015). Use of technical skills and medical devices among new registered nurses: a questionnaire study. Nurse Education Today. In press. Published Online: May 2016 doi:
Ewertsson M. Lärande av praktiska färdigheter inom sjuksköterskeprofessionen -studier av lärande i olika arenor ( Learning practical skills within nursing profession- studies of learning in different arenas). Dissertation (Phd). Caring sciences. School of Health Sciences, Örebro University, Sweden, 2014.
Ewertsson, M., Bagga-Gupta, S., Allvin, R., & Blomberg, K. Tension in learning professional identities – nursing students’ narratives and participation in practical skills during their clinical practice. BMC Nursing; Doi:org/10.1186/s12912-017-0238-y
Ewertsson, M., Bagga-Gupta, S., & Blomberg, K. Nursing students’ socialisation into practical skills. Nurse Education in Practice. Online publication,
Gyllencreutz L., Pedersen I., Enarsson E., Saveman B.I., Bölenius K. (2019) The experience of healthcare staff of incident reporting with respect to venous blood specimen collection practices’, Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 17:2, 146-155, DOI: 10.1080/14773996.2019.1640963
Havnes A, Christiansen B, Bjork IT, Hessevaagbakke E. Peer learning in higher education: Patterns of talk and interaction in skills centre simulation. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 2016: 8: 75-87.
Husebo, S.E., Friberg, F., Soreide, E. & Rystedt, H. (2011). Instructional problems in briefings: How to prepare nursing students for simulation-based cardiopulmonary resuscitation training. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 8(7), e307-e318, doi:101016/jecns201012002 2011(0).
Husebo, S.E., Rystedt, H. & Friberg, F. (2011). Educating for teamwork - nursing students’ coordination in simulated cardiac arrest situations. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 67(10), 2239–2255.
Husebo, S.E., Bjorshol, C.A., Rystedt, H., Friberg, F. & Soreide, E. (2012). A comparative study of defibrillation and cardiopulmonary resuscitation performance during simulated cardiac arrest in nursing student teams. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 20:23, doi:10.1186/1757-7241-20-23.
Husebo, S. E., Dieckmann, P., Rystedt, H., Soreide, E., & Friberg, F. (2013). The Relationship Between Facilitators' Questions and the Level of Reflection in Postsimulation Debriefing. Simulation in Healthcare: The Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare, 8:135-142.
Husebo, S.E., O’Reagan, S., Nestel, D. (2015). Reflective practice and its role in simulation. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 11 (8), 368-375. DOI:
Husebø SE, Silvennoinen M, Rosqvist E, Masiello I. (2018) Status of Nordic research on simulation-based learning in healthcare: an integrative review. Advances in Simulation, 3:12. Published July 4.
Hovancsek, M., Jeffries, P.R., Escudero, E., Foulds, B.J., Husebo, S.E., Iwamoto, Y., Kelly, M., Petrini, M. & Wang, A. (2009). Creating Simulation Communities of practice: An International Perspective. Nursing Education Perspectives, 30 (2), 121-125.
Kelly, M., Berragan, E., Husebo, S.E. & Orr, F. (2016). Simulation in Nursing Education—International Perspectives and Contemporary Scope of Practice. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 2016; 48:3, 312–321. DOI: 10.1111/jnu.12208
Larsen K. At lære praktiske færdigheder i sygeplejen. S. 75-88. I Lykke E. (red.) Sygepleje trin 2. sosuserien. Kbh. Munksgaard 2013.
Lippi G, Baird GS, Banfi G, Bölenius K, Cadamuro J et al., Improving quality in the preanalytical phase through innovation, on behalf of the European Federation for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) Working Group for Preanalytical Phase (WG-PRE). Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 55(4):489-500 (2017).
Lomborg K. Takt og tone i 90'ernes sygepleje - belyst fra et kropsligt perspektiv.[Best practice nursing in the 90'ies - enlightened from a bodily perspective].Tidsskrift for Sygeplejeforskning 1995, 1, 21-36.
Lomborg K. Bjoern A, Dahl R, Kirkevold M. Body care experienced by people hospitalized with severe respiratory disease. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2005, 50, 262-71.
Lomborg K, Kirkevold M. Curtailing: handling the complexity of body care in people hospitalized with severe COPD. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 2005, 19, 148-56.
Lomborg K, Kirkevold M. Achieving therapeutic clarity in assisted personal body care: professional challenges in interactions with severely ill COPD patients. Journal of Clinical nursing 2008, 17, 2155-63.
Lämås, K., Wester, P., Häger, C., Lindgren, L., & Brulin, C. Does touch massage facilitate recovery after stroke? A study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine.2016, DOI 10.1186/s12906-016-1029-9
Møller E, Riemenschneider A. Sådan læres praktiske færdigheder i færdighedslaboratorium [How to learn practical skills in skills lab]. Sygeplejersken 2012, 11, 78 årg. 82.
Nestel, D., Groom, J., Husebø, S.E. & O’Donnell, J.M. (2011) Simulation for Learning and Teaching Procedural Skills. The State of the Science. Simulation in Healthcare, 6(7), S10-13.
Nielsen, C, Larsen K, Skovsgaard AM, Stenholt B. Model for at laere praktisk sygepleje. [Model for learning practical nursing]. Sygeplejersken 2007, 107(17), 60-64.
Nielsen, C, Larsen K, Skovsgaard AM, Stenholt B., Lomborg K. Brug for fokus paa kliniske faerdigheder. [A need to focus on clinical skill]. Sygeplejersken 2009, 109(16), 48-52.
Nielsen C, Sommer I, Larsen K, Bjork IT. Model of practical skill performance as an instrument for supervision and formative assessment. Nurse Education in Practice 2013,13, 3,176-180.
Nielsen, C, Stenholt, B. Lomborg K og Bjørk IT. Praktiske færdigheder i professionsrettede sundhedsuddannelser. DUT Dansk Universitetspædagogisk Tidsskrift nr. 15, 2013.
Nilsson K, Juthberg C, Söderberg J, Bölenius K, Grankvist K, Brulin C, Lindkvist M. Associations between workplace affiliation and phlebotomy practices regarding patient identification and test request handling practices in primary healthcare centres: a multilevel model approach. BMC Health Services Research 2015, 15, 503
Olsen U, Brox JI, Bjørk IT. Preoperative bowel preparation versus no preparation before spinal surgery: a randomizes clinical trial. International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing 2016, doi: 10.1016/j.ijotn.2016.02.01.
Ravik, M., Bjørk, IT. (2021). Registered Nurses` Supervision on Nursing Students During Practical Skill Learning: A Qualitative Exploratory Study. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.
Ravik, M. (2020). Improving simulation-based learning of a practical skill in nursing education. Journal of Practice Teaching & Learning, 17 (1), 19-33.
Ravik, M. (2019). Using “Knowing That” and “Knowing How” to Inform Learning of Peripheral Vein Cannulation in Nursing Education. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship 16(1). DOI: 10.1515/ijnes-2018-0078
Ravik M, Havnes A, Bjørk IT. Exploring nursing students’ transfer of peripheral venous cannulation from skills centre to the clinical setting. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 2015, 5, no.3. Open access.
Ravik M, Havnes A, Bjørk IT. Defining and compairing learning actions in two simulation modalities: students training on a latex arm and on each orther's arms. doi: 10.1111/jocn. 13748, 2017.01.21
Ravik, M., Havnes, A., Bjørk, I.T. (2017). Conditions affecting the performance of peripheral vein cannulation during hospital placement: A case study. Nursing Research and Practice, Vol. 2017, Article ID 9748492, 1-10.
Reierson IÅ, Hvidsten A, Wighus M, Brungot S, Bjørk IT. Key issues and challenges in developing a pedagogical intervention in the simulation
skills center – An action research study. Nurse Education in Practice 2013,13, 294–300.
Reierson IÅ, Solli H, Bjørk IT. Nursing student's perspectives on telenursing in patient care after simulation. Clinical Simulation i Nursing 2015; Volum 11 (4) 244-250
Reierson IÅ, Bjørk IT, Solli H. Nursing students’ perspectives on the use of telenursing in patient care following simulation. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 2015, 11, 244-250.
Reierson,I.Å., Sandvik,L., Solli,H., Haukedal,T.A., Husebø, S.E. (2020). "Psychometric testing of the Norwegian version of the Simulation Design Scale, the Educational Practices Questionnaire and the Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale in nursing education." International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances: 100012.
Reierson, I. Å., Haukedal, T. A., Hedeman, H. & Bjørk, I. T. (2017). Structured debriefing: What difference does it make? Nurse Education in Practice, 25, 104-110. doi:
Roel, S., Bjørk, I.T. Comparing Nursing Student Competence in CPR before and after a Pedagogical Intervention. Hindawi
Nursing Research and Practice. Volume 2020, Article ID 7459084, 6 pages.
Simundic A-M, Bölenius K, Cadamuro J, Church S, cornes M-P et al. Joint EFLM-COLABIOCLI Recommendation for venous blood sampling. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. 2018.
Skovsgaard A-M. Uddannelse. [Education]. Sygeplejersken 1997, 15, 27.
Skovsgaard A-M. Systematisk studiemetode i klinisk praksis. [Systematic methods of study in clinical practice]. Klinisk Sygepleje 1998, 1, 60-61.
Skovsgaard A-M. Metoder til at laere grundlaeggende sygepleje i klinisk praksis.[Methods for learning nursing in clinical practice]. Uddannelsesnyt 2000, 2, 13-21.
Skovsgaard A-M. Dialogue and reflection between student nurses and their instructor in clinical practice. Vaard i Norden 2004, 1, 45-46.
Skovgaard A-M, Larsen K, Bedholm K, Komborg K. Praktisk brug af baderobot til ældre [Practical use of bathing robot to elderly]. Sygeplejersken 2013, 13, 74-78.
Skovsgaard A-M, Nielsen C, Stenholt B, Soerensen D. Laering af grundlaeggende sygepleje i primaer sundhedstjeneste. [Clinical learning in nursing homes]. Sygeplejersken 2008, 17, 43.
Skovsgaard A-M, Stenholt B, Nielsen C. Studieunit - et sammenlignende studie af sygeplejestuderendes laeringsudbytte i klinisk undervisning i studieunit og i traditionelt studieforloeb. [Study-unit - a comparative study of students' learning outcomes in a study-unit and in traditional clinical placements]. Kvartalsskrift Maj. Udviklingsinitiativet for sygeplejerskeuddannelsen i Aarhus Amt. 2006, 42-43.
Skovsgaard A-M, Stenholt B, Nielsen C. Klinisk undervisning bedst i studieunit. [Clinical education in study-units is the best]. Sygeplejersken 2006, 8, 33.
Solli H, Reierson IA. Fra mesterlaere til selvstudium. [From apprenticeship to self-directed learning.]. Norsk Tidsskrift for Sykepleieforskning 2006, 8(4), 35-50.
Solli,H., Haukedal,T.A., Husebø, S.E., Reierson,I.Å., (2020). The art of balancing: the facilitator’s role in briefing in simulation-based learning from the perspective of nursing students–a qualitative study. BMC Nursing, 19(1), 1-11.
Sommer I, Larsen K, Stenholt K, Bjørk IT. (2022). Model for praktisk færdighedsudøvelse - En model der holder. Fagligt selskab for undervisende sygeplejersker. Uddannelsesnyt nr. 1, 33. årgang, 2022.
Sommer I, Larsen K, Nielsen CM, Stenholt BV, Bjørk IT. Improving Clinical Nurses´ Development of Supervision Skills through an Action Learning Approach.
Nursing Research and Practice, published 19 february 2020. DOI: 10.1155/2020/9483549
Stenholt B, Skovsgaard A-M, Nielsen C. Fra praktisk uddannelse til klinisk undervisning - organisering og tilrettelaeggelse af klinisk undervisning i sygeplejerskeuddannelsen. [From practical training to clinical education - organization and planning of the clinical part of nursing education]. Tidsskrift for sygeplejeforskning. 2005, 21(3), 34-39.
Stenholt B, Skovsgaard A-M, Nielsen C. Studieunit - goer det en forskel? [Study-unit - does it make a difference?]. Uddannelsesnyt 2006,17.(2), 15-18.
Stenholt B, Nielsen C, Lomborg K, Frederiksen A-M S, Bjørk IT, Sommer I, Larsen K, Reierson IÅ, Brynildsen G. Praktiske færdigheder i sygepleje og
velfærdsteknologi. I: Kjeldsen LPK, Asmussen J (red) Velfærdsinnovation – i og med praksis. 2013, VIA University College.
Tjoflåt I, Brandeggen TK; Strandberg ES, Dyrstad DN, Husebø, SE (2018). Norwegian nursing students' evaluation of vSim® for Nursing. Advances in Simulation, 3, 10.
Willman B, Grankvist K & Bölenius K. Evaluation of the clinical implementation of a large-scale online e-learning program on venous blood specimen collection guideline practices. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 2018,
Bjork IT. Hands-on nursing: new graduates' practical skill development in the clinical setting. Dissertation (Ph.D). Institute of Nursing Science, University of Oslo, Norway, 1999.
Husebo, SE. Condition for learning in simulation practice: training for team-based resusitation in nursing education. Doctoral dissertation. University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway, 2012.
Lomborg K. Nurse-patient interactions in assisted personal body care. A qualitative study in people hospitalised with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Dissertation (PhD). Faculty of Health Science, University of Aarhus, 2004.
Master thesis
Bjork IT. Utdanning av morgendagens sykepleiere: hvilke praktiske ferdigheter skal man kunne kreve av en nyutdannet sykepleier. [Educating nurses of tomorrow: what practical skills are required of a newly graduated nurse.]. Master Thesis.Institute for Nursing Science, University of Oslo, Norway, 1988.
Brynildsen G. Ikke bare enkle prosedyrer... : laering og utvikling av praktiske ferdigheter i en naturlig setting. [Not just simple procedures .. : learning and development of practical skills inn a natural setting.]. Master Thesis. Institute ofNursing and Health Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway, 2007.
Lomborg K. Takt og tone i 90'ernes sygepleje. En etisk diskussion af patient-sygeplejerske forholdet med udgangspunkt i projekterne: "The world of the hospital nurse" ved Ingegerd Harder og "Behind the Screens" ved Jocalyn Lawler [Best practice nursing in the 90'ies. An ethical discussion of the patient-nurse relationship, based on the projects "The world of the hospital nurse" by Ingegerd Harder and "Behind the Screens" by Jocelyn Lawler].Master Thesis. School of Advanced Nursing, Aarhus, 1995.
Skovsgaard A-M. Samtale og refleksion mellem studerende og vejleder i klinisk praksis. [Dialogue and reflection between student nurses and their instructor in clinical practice]. Master Thesis. Centre for the Interdisciplinary Study of Learning,University of Aalborg, Denmark, 2002.
Reierson I Aa, Oesterud M, Ravik M, Haukedal TA, Brungot S. m.fl. Klinisk Ferdighetssenter - laeringsarena for naatid og framtid. [The clinical skills centre- present and future learning arena]. Arbeidsgruppe for utvidelse av Klinisk ferdighetsenter, Avdeling for helse- og sosialfag, Hoegskolen i Telemark, Norway, 2009.
Skovsgaard A-M. Udvikling af praktikstudiemetode. [Development of learningmethods in clinical practice]. Sygeplejerskeuddannelsen i Aarhus, Denmark, 1997. ISBN-nr. 87-90497-00-7.
Skovsgaard A-M, Nielsen C, Stenholt B. Studieunit som mulighed? Klinisk undervisning i sygeplejerskeuddannelsen. [Study-unit as a possibility? Clinical studies in nursing education]. Sygeplejerskeruddannelsen i Aarhus, Denmark, 2005.ISBN 87-90497-07-4.
Skovsgaard A-M, Stenholt B, Nielsen C, Soerensen D. Laering af grundlaeggende sygepleje i primaer sundhedstjeneste. [Clinical learning in nursing homes]. Sygeplejerskeuddannelsen i Aarhus, Silkeborg og Randers, VIA University College, Denmark, 2008. ISBN 978-87-90497-14-9.
Solli H, Reierson I Aa, Saetre RM. IKT i oevingsavdelingen - fase 2. [Information technology in the clincial skill centre - phase 2.]. Institutt for helsefag, Avdeling for helse- og sosialfag, Hoegskolen i Telemark, Norway, 2005.
Stenholt B. Litteraturstudie. Modeller, systemer eller instrumenter til at laere og evaluere praktisk faerdigheder i forbindelse med klinisk udovelse. RiNS 2011
Bjork IT, Bjerknes MS. Aa laere i praksis. [Learning in practice.]. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, 2003.
Larsen K, Nielsen C, Bjork IT. Praktiske færdigheder (Practical Skills). Munksgaard, København 2015.
Nielsen ES, Lomborg K. Paa arbejde i hjemmet - en bog om hjemmepleje. [Working in other peoples home - a book about home care.]. Gyldendal, Copenhagen, 2001.
Book chapters
Bjork IT. Haandens gjerning: er den undervurdert i dagens sykepleie? [Hands-on nursing: is it devalued in today's nursing?], pp. 119-135. In: T Bjerkreim, J Mathiesen, R Nord (Eds.). Visjon, viten og virke. [Vision, knowledge, action.] Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, 1996.
Bjork IT. Praktiske handlinger i sykepleie - paa tide med en rekonstruksjon? [Practical skill in nursing - about time for a reconstruction?], pp. 19-26. In: G Melsaeter, B Christiansen, A Solheim, Aa Stabell (Eds.) Paa sykepleiefagets vegne. [On behalf of the discipline of nursing.] Report nr. 13. OsloUniversity College, Oslo, 1998.
Bjork IT . Kroppen i moetet mellom pasient og sykepleier. [The body in encounters between patient and nurse.], pp. 223-236. In: IT Bjork, S Helseth, F Nortvedt (Eds). Moete mellom pasient og sykepleier sykepleier. [Encounters between patient and nurse.]Gyldendal Akademisk, Oslo, 2002.
Bjork IT. Aa laere praktiske ferdigheter i sykepleie. [To learn practical skills in nursing.], pp. 88-109. In: IT Bjork, MS Bjerknes (Eds.). Aa laere i praksis. [To learn in practice.] Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, 2005.
Bjork IT. Et redskab for vejledning i læring af praktiske ferdigheter. I: Praksisveiledning med sykeplierstudenter. Gyldendal Akademisk, 2015, pp. 82-98.
Bjork IT, Breievne G. Kropp og velvaere. [Body and well-being.], pp. 106-136. In: Kristoffersen NJ, Nortvedt F, Skaug E-A (Eds.) Grunnleggende sykepleie, Bind 1. [Fundamental nursing, Volume 1.] Gyldendal Akademisk, Oslo, 2005.
Larsen K. At lære praktiske færdigheder i sygeplejen. S. 75-88. I Lykke E. (red.) Sygepleje trin 2. sosuserien. Kbh. Munksgaard 2013.
Husebo, S.E. & Rystedt, H. Simulering innen helsefag [Simulation in healthcare] In: K. Aase (ed.). Pasientsikkerhet - teori og praksis i helsevesenet [Patient safety-theory and practice in healthcare] 2nd ed. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 2015.
Lomborg K, Nielsen ES. Paa arbejde i hjemmet [Working in other peoples' home.], pp 11-17. In: E Skaanning Nielsen, K Lomborg (Eds.). Paa arbejde i hjemmet - en bog om hjemmepleje. [Working in other peoples home - a book about home care.]Gyldendal, Copenhagen 2001.
Lomborg K. Kroppens betydninger i klinisk sykepleie. [The meanings of the body in clinical nursing.], pp. 75-93. In: E Gjengedal, R Jakobsen (Eds.). Sykepleie: praksis og utvikling [Nursing: practice and development.] Capellen Akademisk Forlag, Oslo, 2001.
Lomborg K. Menneske, krop og sygepleje [Man, body and nursing.], pp 59-93. In: J Lyngaa J (Ed.). Sygeplejefag, refleksion og handling [Nursing, reflection and action.] (2.edition). Munksgaard, Copenhagen, 2002.
Lomborg K. Kroppens betydning i klinisk sykepleje. [The Meaning of the body in clinical nursing.], pp 75-93. In: P Ramhoej, I Egerod, J Taleman (Eds.). Klinisk sygepleje: praksis og utvikling. [Clinical nursing: practice and development.]Akademisk Forlag, Copenhagen, 2000 and 2004.
Lomborg K. Krop og velvaere. [Body and well-being.], pp 13-25. In: L Suhr, B Winther (Eds.). Basisbog i Sygepleje - Krop og velvaere. [Basics in nursing - body and well-being.] Munksgaard Danmark, Copenhagen 2007.
Skovsgaard A-M. Udvikling af metoder til at studere og laere sygepleje i klinisk praksis. [Developing of methods to study and learn nursing in clinical practice], pp 92-108. In: Laustsen, S. m.fl. (Eds.) Fokus paa sygepleje. Munksgaard,Copenhagen, 2001.
Stenholt B, Skovsgaard A-M, Nielsen C. Larsen K. Hvordan styrkes de studerendes praktiske handlekompetence i sundhedsuddannelserne?[How to strengthen students practical competencies in health educations] pp 41-57. In Beedholm K, Greve C. (Eds.). Professionsdidaktik - et saerligt anliggende for professionshojskolerne? VIA Systime 2010.
Changing the Landscape for Nursing and Healthcare Education: Evidence based innovation, policy and practice. NETNEP, 4th International Nurse Education Conference June 2012.
Workshop: Generic Model of Practical Skill Performance. (2019). Nielsen CS, Bjoerk IT, Bölenius K, Blomberg K, Reierson IA, Husebø SE, Ravik M, Ewertsson M, Lämås K, Larsen K, Sommer I, Stenholt BV, Nielsen CM. 8th International Clinical Skills Conference, Prato Italy.
Abstracts 2015-2016